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VDMA is an acronym for the Latin phrase Verbum Domini Manet in Aeternum, which translates to "the Word of the Lord remains forever". It was a famous slogan used throughout the Lutheran Reformation, dating back around 500 years. The phrase first appears in the Bible in Isaiah 40:8, where God tells Isaiah that his Word's faithfulness is greater than human faithlessness.

Luther's Seal: The black cross in the center reminds us that Jesus died to take the punishment for our sins. The red heart reminds us of the love God has for us in sending Jesus to be our Savior. The red of the heart is the color of the blood of Christ, shed for us and for our salvation. The white rose helps us remember the work of the Holy Spirit, who makes us pure and holy in God's sight by bringing us to faith in Jesus and by helping us to live our lives for Him. The sky-blue background pictures the joy of the new life God gives to all who believe and trust in Him. Finally, the golden ring out- lining the seal reminds us of our eternal inheritance- a home in heaven where we will enjoy complete joy and happiness in our Savior's presence.